Korea Enterprise Data Awards 'Certificate of Excellent Technology Comp…
Korean company data will award 'Certificate of Excellent Technology Competency'.
Korea Enterprise Data announced on the 11th that it invited representatives of small and medium-sized companies with excellent technology to its headquarters in Yeouido on the 10th and awarded certificates of "excellent technology companies."
Korea Enterprise Data has launched a service to issue "Technical Competency (Technical Credit Evaluation) Certificate" since April 9 and "Credit Evaluation Certificate (Public Credit Evaluation) Certificate" since May 8.
The event was attended by representatives of 10 technology-capable small and medium-sized companies, including Kim Yeon-kyung, CEO of Kukil Shindong Co., CEO Min Sung-tae of Solugate, CEO Oh Sung-hee of Entertainment, CEO of 4STEC Seungwon Lee, and CEO of Fistech Choi Byung-yeol.
Excellent technologies that have been certified are technologies related to safety and environment such as vehicle protection fences and slag recycling technologies, music supply systems, Internet of Things, virtual counseling systems, and intelligent building construction technologies, and advanced technologies in construction.
"We will continue to find small and medium-sized companies with excellent technological capabilities through TCB (Technical Credit Assessment) of Korea Enterprise Data to support the growth and development of technological small and medium-sized companies and to take the lead in creating jobs for young people," said CEO Byung-sun.
Press Date: 2018-05-11
Source: https://cnews.fntimes.com/html/view.php?ud=2018051108370248628a55064dd1_18