Smart AI data middleware platform
The smart AI data middleware platform is a middleware that integrates and manages data from all devices, enabling monitoring and control of all environments, including production status management through real-time data collection, information for production planning, and information for predictive maintenance of facilities.
It is a smart AI data middleware platform that enables data integration, monitoring, and control through real-time data collection and management using devices and networks.

Data Integration Management
By supporting linkage and integration of processes, data collection/delivery with existing systems (ERP, MES, WMS, QMS, SCM, etc.) increases user business convenience/continuity and service usability.
To build a cutting-edge smart solution, we introduce an advanced automation system using data integration middleware platform development F/W, and utilize DATA/Process linkage and integration functions to build an integrated environment for the entire value chain, including partners.

Anomaly detection AI machine learning service
As an AI voucher provider, we own and provide AI machine learning services that derive risks through field data analysis.
We develop and provide solutions that predict and prevent aviation collision prevention, construction site risk management, and manufacturing site risk occurrence.